Life Coach

Life Coach

Inam’s life journey is a testament to resilience and transformation. Overcoming Polio‘s challenges through art, he turned personal pain into profound beauty. His experiences and creativity established him as a renowned artist at Inam Gallery. Embracing Sufi mysticism deepened his understanding of the universe, enriching his internationally acclaimed work as a poet and playwright. Inam is also the author of Whispers of the Flight, a spiritual self-help book available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and over 40 other platforms.

Glitter of Hope

Inam’s dedication extends beyond art. As a passionate humanitarian, he actively supports UNICEF and the Rotary Club in raising funds to eradicate Polio, still present in just two countries. In 2010, he founded The Glitter of Hope Foundation, focusing on aiding Atlanta’s refugee community, especially single mothers and orphans. His recent radio show from 2021 to 2023 offered guidance to many, showcasing his innate wisdom and compassion. Driven by a deeper calling, Inam became a certified Life Coach, combining his creative and humanitarian passions to inspire and serve others.